Category Projects
A Comprehensive Study and Design Application of Smart Home Care Services For Elderly in China and the UK: Bridging Aging Challenges with Innovation Solutions
Shaping the Future of UK-China RDI Collaboration in the Design Sector
Implementing ThinkTank Science Career Ladder Programme in Anthropology Museum of Guangxi, China
Designing Future Eating Experience: Exploring the Synergy between Cultural and Creative Industries and Sustainable Eating
Assessing the Impact of Community Heritage Activities in Promoting a more sustainable rural landscape in UK and China: a Comparative Study for the Development of Open-Air Museum in the Rural Landscape
SEED Mini Grant Round Two winners selected!
Following the successful launch of the ROUND 1 mini projects, we are pleased to announce the three winners of the Round Two call,
We are pleased to announce the SEED Mini grant Round One winners
Based on three independent reviewers’ assessment, the following projects will be funded: